In the white room, topped with bluebird.
Kari Medig had invited us to come up to Nelson, to stay with him, check out the pow in Whitewater and taste BC's next best coffee since we missed Mark's Stoke-beans up in Revy. We got there in the morning after another epic Motel session and got straight into the game of deep white frozen H2O.
Met some chill locals and headed out with Clay aka Pat Maweanie, one who could guide us to the best cliffs around and demonstrate very well how to go off them in the best possible way. Upside down, flipped backwards and both hands on the goggles that is. It was mostly snowing and ovecast but the sun even came out for a couple of hours and we got to have a brief look at the surrounding out of bounds terrain potential.

Happy-Pat out to chop some lumber.


A whitewater faceshot from the inside.

We even became world famous and posted on the WH2O blog.
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