Good to be moving again and awesome to get a taste of snow, especially when it was fresh since it snowed the night before we arrived. Conditions were better than rumour has it this year, and the backside was still skiable so I enjoyed some runs with one of the local dahu farmers in the valley, Johan, and his gardsgut Henke.
Enjoyed another couple of first class overnights at the Graf house, with the complimentary hygge-loaded collective BBQ dinners, shared with among others the polish ski pushing heli owner Praxchekc and the Brezcxinjiswskyj pack while Max Hygge enjoyed the company of the Wemby-sisters. Fantastic.

Sun, chicks and BBQ in the valley.

Lykke chillin between the mountains.

Dahu farming.
Thanks to Johan and the rest around Graf. Check the Alpine Legends blog, for more hygge from Stryn.
Now: Hoddevik, Stad is up for some surf and more hygge.
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