Getting some DH action in Hyggedal.
It was the last weekend of the summer season with running lifts in Hyggedal so we cruised up to go DH riding with Steffen and the others in their home made bike park. Also hooked up with Steffen, Fred Hundreogsyversen, David, Runar and many more.
Saturday, while everybody else were dressed in Bergans-tights trying to see who was best at reading the map and rapelling, we had everything to ourselves with no liftlines and no crowds. If this had been a powder day it would have been a good one... Theese are the shots:

David goin high on the Dragon wallride.

Full crew loading up on the 8-seater.

Steffen leading the way through the big wooden curve.

David on an off piste natural wallride.

The X-trail gettin some hygge too.

Runar gettin some air with rømmegrøt i magen.

I'm hoping to land the next air in Hemsemdal on snow.
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